9:00 AM - Neighborhood Nature Walk
Complimentary | Group Size: 8
Where: Spinnaker at Shipyard Resort Pool
11:00 AM - Trivia/ Bingo
Where: Spinnaker at Shipyard Resort Pool
2:45 PM - Sea Love Hilton Head Scented Candle/Diffuser Making Class
Group Size: 6 | Fee Paid On-site: $36-$47 per person
Location: Sea Pines - 71 Lighthouse Road, Suite 612 ($9 gate fee into Sea Pines applicable-cash only).


4:00 PM - Sunset Social Hosted by Epic Vacations
Sip and socialize, featuring various seasonal and local craft beverages
Where: Spinnaker at Shipyard Resort Pool 


11:15 AM - Farmer's Market Tour
Where: Meet at the Farmer's Market Entrance at Coastal Discovery Museum, 70 Honey Horn Drive
4:15 PM - Game Night
Pre-Registration Required - $5 per person
Bring your game face and enjoy an evening of board games, good vibes, and light refreshments.
Location: Resort Source Welcome Center | 20 Executive Park Road, Suite 100


11:00 AM - Art League Gallery Exhibit Visit
Group Size: 8  | Complimentary
Where: Meet at Arts Center of Coastal Carolina | 14 Shelter Cove Lane
3:15 PM - Hilton Head Brewing Company Tour
Group Size: 12 | 21+ years old | $13 per person. *Includes pint or flight. Closed toed shoes required.
Where: Hilton Head Brewing Company | 1 Cardinal Rd. Suite 13

Preregistration recommended as space is limited. 24 Hour advanced registration required for all excursions.

Registration and payment activities can be made by calling Guest Services at 843-842-6556 Extension 110. Cancellations must be made 24 hours prior to event to be eligible for a refund. Outdoor classes/events are weather permitting and subject to change. All scheduled classes subject to change, please contact 843-842-6556 Extension 110.